Honda Click Speedometer Repair

 Honda Click 125 and 150 speedometer is notorious for having a blue screen or blackout issue that many was wondering what went wrong. So you all came to the right place to seek advise and possibly some tips on how to avoid such. But first let me show you the front area of the speedometer.

Let us analyze the possibility of the number 1 issue to where the water can penetrate inside to create havoc inside the speedometer that even if u put a tint sticker on the front lens will not solve the problem.

The lens is water proof of course.But how about those two selection buttons below that clear lens.If u see it then that is where the water is penetrating inside. See the space in between the cover and the rubber seal of the switch. It is actually not waterproof. During rainy days and motorcycle washing. Water stays on the gutter or the spaces in between them. As you are pressing the switch and water still remains on the gutter, The water will eventually goes inside. Just a water droplet to the board and you will have a dead speedometer in due time.

This is what happened to this speedometer unit. Before the unit was repaired. The entire board is covered with oxidation and oxidation exist when water on the board was dried by time. After tracing some open traces and replaces all oxidized parts. The video states it all.

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